Cold Laser Therapy

What You Need To Know About Cold Laser Therapy

The Cold Laser, or Low Level Laser Therapy, can be used for:

  • Inflammatory conditions such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Epicondylitis, Plantar Fasciitis, and Bursitis with excellent results.
  • Pain management for Fibromyalgia Myofascial pain, cervical neck pain, thoracic pain, and low back pain.
  • Connective tissue disorders such as sprains, strains, tendonitis, and tendon ruptures.
  • Joint injuries or disorders such as TMJ disorders, osteoarthritis, dislocations, and ligament injuries.
  • Muscle injury or disorders such as muscle bruises, contusions, muscle ruptures, and muscle shortening contractures like frozen shoulders.
  • Neurological injury or disorders such as prolapsed disc, ruptured or herniated discs, crush injuries, neuritis, and headaches.

The biological effects of how Low Level Laser Therapy has been shown to significantly accelerate and enhance the body’s natural defense and repair abilities when injured. By reducing the duration of inflammation as well as enhancing specific repair and healing process, Low Level Laser Therapy has been proven to provide pain relief, reduce damage due to injury and loss of function. Low Level Laser Therapy enables the body to have a more rapid repair and stronger tissues once healed.

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